Guaranteed Approval- Or Your Money Back! |
Remember, until the Plan Administrator approves the QDRO and accepts it, your retirement benefit assets under the plan are not secured. Many people assume- wrongfully- that they have secured the retirement plan assets awarded pursuant to a separation agreemnt or divorce decree.This is a very costly myth to some people who, many years after the divorce is final, discover that the retirement benefits they were awarded in the divorce are not there because a QDRO wasn't prepared, or the QDRO was prepared but not approved by the Plan Administrator. The bottom line- Unless and until the Plan Administrator of a retirement plan approves the QDRO, you have nothing!
Here is my Guarantee to you:
I Guarantee that the QDRO I prepare for you on your behalf and submit to the Plan will be approved by the Plan Administrator. As my final service to you, I will provide you with the approval letter by the Plan Administrator- proof that your retirement benefits are secured!